Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wed Night

This has been a fun day in Meadow Ranch! It started off with breakfast and morning chapel. The play continued with us learning about the manna the Israelites were given from God everyday. They soon got tired of it and started complaining to God and asking for something else. The play was fun because instead of God providing them quail, they were provided with peeps. Recreation today was Super Spirit Relay day. Everyone wore red, white and blue, and patriotic themed items, and participated in different relays. We had a great time. During free time we had a group go to the high ropes course, another group went to paintball, and others hung out at the pool or the blob. Tonight’s belly flop contest in the pool was fun. Sam and Lauren both participated for their teams. We then went to chapel where Adam talked to us about being able to trust and depend on God. We then did a great night game after chapels here the kids had to go to different stations but kept being held up by us counselors madding them do silly stuff (like sing songs, tie their shoes, dance, etc). After the game they were rewarded with a night swim. It was another full day, but totally awesome!

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