Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday night

Today was a great first start to the week. Everyone woke up ready and excited to have their first full day at Hume. After breakfast came morning chapel, were we went more into the story of the Israelites and the golden calf.
After chapel came the excitement of recreation and “The Fab Four” games. All of the Saint Matthew cabins are on the "OOO" team and have different sue teams under that. So hopefully the OOO team will win the overall team for the week. Well see how the subteams do, but so far we are off to a good start!

After rec came lunch and then free time. Free time was filled with tons of activities. Some explored camp, others rode the zip line over the pond, others enjoyed the wonders of Noah’s Nightmare (a big trapeze from which to swing and drop into the pond), others did the new high ropes course built just for meadow ranch, and others just hung out. Many counselors and campers had one-on-ones, a time when we can get to know each other better and encourage the students to dig deeper into their relationships with God. After dinner a lot of the students watched the counselor vs staff kickball games. Others went to have some down time.
The evening chapel consisted of worship and our speaker, Adam, breaking down the play we saw of the Israelites earlier this morning. He helped show us how we are a lot like the Israelites in that it's easy to still mave idols in our lives.
After chapel we had a little bit more free time before we headed up to cabin time to talk about what we have been processing so far from our speaker Adam, our devotions, and memory verses. Afterwards we headed to bed. It was a packed but awesome first full day of camp.

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