Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday Hume Lake 2011

Tuesday morning we started off with the normal routine of breakfast and cabin cleanup. After that we went to morning chapel where we saw a continuation of the drama depicting the story of David in a western era. We then split up and went with our lead counselor and listen to them share. We then went to recreation where we did the opposite games we didn’t get to do yesterday. Spirit and competitiveness ran high but we all had a great time. After lunch we had free time where majority of us went on the high adventure course. It was a stretching experience for some but it was great because we were all there to encourage each other and there was such a feeling of accomplishment after completing a section of the course. After that we went to dinner and then to the pond competition where we had a blob competition and a belly flop competition off of Noah’s Nightmare (their rope swing). Many of the guys and girls participated to try to help get more points for their rec team. We then went to chapel where our speaker, PJ, gave a moving message of understanding sins control over our lives and how many of us believe many things about Jesus but don’t necessarily believe IN Jesus. After his message he gave an opportunity to allow those who have never accepted Christ to be able to for the first time. We had a handful of guys and girls choose to accept Christ for the first time so it was an amazing, exciting night for many. After that we had a little more free time and then went into small groups. All the girls joined together and we got to have Vanessa, one of the missionaries here at Hume, come and speak to the girls. She shared about her life and what she experience while in middle school but also how God has used her and her passions to make a difference in others. We all went to bed quiet easily after such a full day.

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