Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas at Saint Matthew

December 24
2 & 4 pm—Family Friendly Communion Worship
7 pm—Saint Matthew Style Communion Worship-(Childcare will be provided at this service only).
9 pm—Traditional Style Communion Worship

December 25
10 am—Christmas Day Worship

January 1
10 am—New Year’s Day Worship.
Bring goodies to share in a time of fellowship following worship.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Acolyte Training

Wildside Change of Location for Sept 28th

Wildside is Back On!

Wildside is Back on every Wed Night at the Teen Center from 7-8:30pm. Bring your friends and we look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fri Hume Lake 2011

Friday was a great way of finishing up camp. We had our last full day of recreation in which we all competed in the "Amazing Race" which was a bunch of little relays to see which team could finish first. After lunch for free time a lot of us went to the cove on the other side of Hume Lake. We spent the whole time hiking upstream to see how far we could get. After that we had a bbq for dinner and then went to rec chapel where we got to hear the winners for this years recreation. Both Pastor David and Michelle's cabin where part of the winning team (way to take first place by memorizing all your bible verses). After that we had our last night chapel and then went up to victory circle where students had a chance to share how God impacted their lives this week. It was a very encouraging and inspiring night.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thurs around camp

Thurs Hume Lake 2011

Thursday we started off with an extra hour of sleep before we had to be up for breakfast. Morning chapel was a continuation of the drama and broke up into cabin groups. After that we went into rec where we did “Dye Wars” where the two teams threw their colored water on the other team and the winner was the team that died the other team the most. One of our cabins found Dinker (a plastic duck that is hidden around camp for more rec points when it is found). We then got to enjoy a bbq lunch out on the lawn. During free time a large group went to the lake to go boating, another group went to play Frisbee golf, and others just hung out and took it easy. We then had dinner, and got to have a concert from our worship band. In evening chapel PJ talked about how we tend to live differently around different people to feel love and accepted and are not truly living in our true selves as God created us to be. It was a great message and left many challenged. We then got to enjoy some more free time before we headed up to our cabins for small groups and bed.

Wed Around Camp

Wed Hume Lake 2011

Today started off with breakfast and cabin clean up as usual. After that we went to chapel where we saw a continuation of the drama and then had our missionary speakers come up and talk to us. We then split up and all the guys went with Red where he talked about how he uses his passion for surfing to make a difference to others and talked about many analogies between faith and surfing. All the girls went with Vanessa where she talked about how she is using her passion for fashion design to make a difference for God and talked about how God has made us as couture pieces. We then went to recreation. Today was super spirit day, where all the kids dressed up in their western gear and all the games where worth double points. We did a lot of relay games and a lot of cheers to encourage our teammates on. After lunch we had free time where a large amount of us went and played paintball. Whether it was their first time playing or they are expert players it seemed that everyone had a fun time (except maybe us counselors during counselor unload at the end). After free time and dinner we went to chapel where PJ gave a great message talking a bout the people in our lives that we don’t get along with. Many of us left challenged of how we can trust God with those people in our lives. We then had a night game where a few of the counselors hid with beads and the kids had to go find them and get a bead from them. All the rest of the counselors where distractors where they stopped the groups and made them do something silly before they could get on their way. After the night game there was a night swim in the pool and then we all headed up to our cabins for small groups.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday Around Camp

Tuesday Hume Lake 2011

Tuesday morning we started off with the normal routine of breakfast and cabin cleanup. After that we went to morning chapel where we saw a continuation of the drama depicting the story of David in a western era. We then split up and went with our lead counselor and listen to them share. We then went to recreation where we did the opposite games we didn’t get to do yesterday. Spirit and competitiveness ran high but we all had a great time. After lunch we had free time where majority of us went on the high adventure course. It was a stretching experience for some but it was great because we were all there to encourage each other and there was such a feeling of accomplishment after completing a section of the course. After that we went to dinner and then to the pond competition where we had a blob competition and a belly flop competition off of Noah’s Nightmare (their rope swing). Many of the guys and girls participated to try to help get more points for their rec team. We then went to chapel where our speaker, PJ, gave a moving message of understanding sins control over our lives and how many of us believe many things about Jesus but don’t necessarily believe IN Jesus. After his message he gave an opportunity to allow those who have never accepted Christ to be able to for the first time. We had a handful of guys and girls choose to accept Christ for the first time so it was an amazing, exciting night for many. After that we had a little more free time and then went into small groups. All the girls joined together and we got to have Vanessa, one of the missionaries here at Hume, come and speak to the girls. She shared about her life and what she experience while in middle school but also how God has used her and her passions to make a difference in others. We all went to bed quiet easily after such a full day.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Around Camp

Hume Lake Monday

Monday started off with getting to find out what groups we are in for our recreations teams. The two main teams are the “Varmints” and the “Rascals” and each team is divided into sub teams from that. After breakfast we had cabin clean up (one of the girls cabins won 2nd place and one of the guys cabins won 2nd place so be proud parents! Your kids can clean their rooms!). After that we had the kick off to recreation which was filled with a lot of dancing and screaming. We them divided into our sub teams and played two games today. The games varied from being shot at with tennis balls as you tried to grab other teams flags, to crab races and slip n slides. After recreation and lunch we had free time. Many of the kids went on the zip line or just took walks around camp. A lot also played on the blob, in the pool, or wandered around the clothing store and general store. We just finished up dinner and are watching a staff vs counselor kickball game. We have chapel tonight where we continue looking into the life of David and then after that we will have a little more free time before we head to our cabins for devotions and bed. Overall it was a great first full day.

Hume Lake 2011 Sunday

Sunday was a good start to the week. We had a great time chatting on the bus and getting to know each other. We had no traffic or bus issues and made really good time to camp. We spent the afternoon just getting settled into our cabins and wandering around camps some. The opening chapel was amazing filled with fireworks, and stomp routine. It is a western theme and they did a drama taking the story of David and Goliath and putting it a western mining town. We also got introduced to our speaker for the week, PJ who had a great message the first evening. It will be fun to dive into the life of David with him throughout the Week. After chapel we has some free with where we had options for a night swim in the pool or roller skating in the ark. It was an awesome way to start off the week.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter at Saint Matthew

April 21
7:00 pm – “Maundy Thursday Worship Service”
Valley Wide Worship Service at Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church - 1801 Lacassie Ave.

April 22
7:30 pm – “God’s Friday Worship Service”

April 23
8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am – “Easter Worship Services”
Mexico Commissioning is at the 8:00 am Worship Service.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Impact Series

We face temptations every day. Whether it’s sex, drugs, partying, smoking, bad language, cheating or whatever our particular weakness is, temptation is an unavoidable reality of life. However, in this series we’ll learn that temptation itself is not the problem; it’s our response to temptation that can either drag us down or build our character. This series will help equip you with the tools you’ll need to face your temptations and come out stronger for it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Impact Series

What is church? Who came up with this idea? In this series we’ll take a look at the spiritual characteristics of the early church from the book of Acts. The qualities Christ set forth shape our entire church vision and structure. In this series you’ll also get a much broader understanding of what this “church thing” is really all about—and what your role in God’s kingdom is.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Super Bowl

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Impact Series

In this new series we'll look at the Bible in terms of two key themes—Covenant and Kingdom—relationship and responsibility—worked out in the lives of some "heavy hitters" from the Bible that ended up changing lives and nations.