Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Night

Seven a.m. and a bell is already ringing… and LOUDLY! The start of our first full day at Hume Lake! Breakfast burritos got us going and energized for a day full of soaking up the speakers’ words in chapel, playing as hard as we could on the recreation field, swimming in the pond, pool, or lake, and singing and screaming our lungs out in worship and encouragement to one another.
The theme Bible verses of the day came from John 3:19-21 and Matthew 5:13-16 and challenged us to ask ourselves if we were mimes—of the world and remaining in darkness and apart from God’s light, or if we were clowns—having the “saltiness” and exciting flavor of God to share with the world but keeping it to ourselves.
Our speaker Shawn is great at coming up with real-life applications for tough concepts to help us understand and get to know God better! He continued the theme of flavor and food in our evening chapel, encouraging us not to “stuff ourselves with the world” so that we “have no appetite left for God.” He also used the example of something very important in the average teenager’s life—cell phones! The idea that the Bible is God’s “text message” to us really hit home with the kids, and they all were especially challenged when they were asked to think about what it would be like if we checked our Bibles as much as we checked our cell phones.
We ended the day with “Ranch Time,” or free time to hang out within the Meadow Ranch camp area. It was a great first day at camp, and we all can’t wait to see what adventures we’ll have and how God will move in our hearts throughout the rest of the week!
~Lindsay Pattison

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