Hey howdy hey all you amazing blog readers! This is Heather here, with the updates on how AWESOME our week at Hume Lake has been. Today is a b-e-a-UTIFUL day, and I can’t believe we’re already getting set to come home in two days. I can already look back on this week and think of the awesome memories that have been formed: staying up late, sleeping on the “squeekingly awesome bunk beds” (as Morgan calls them), laughing forever with the girls in my cabin, and savoring the joy-filled moments of seeing our students learn more about God.
Last night, all three of our girls’ cabins went out at night to have some quality girl time. Not that we don’t love the guys, with their lack of deodorant use and above average maturity, but there’s nothing like just hangin’ together with the girls! We sat around a campfire under the stars (while enjoying some smores, I might add), and learned about how big our God really is. We learned how God created the entire universe and yet each of us are still His number one priority. Awesome :o)
Today our church had our annual mud fight, which was SO sweet! There is nothing better than sticking a hand full of fresh Hume mud into a friend’s hair :o). It’s actually a great natural shampoo; I should use mud more often. We also played the Dye Wars for Recreation today, which I LOVE! The students get a small Dixie cup to fill up with a certain color dye (don’t worry, everyone’s skin is back to normal color) and the counselors get a 24-ounce cup (so glorious) and we spill blue and red dye all over each other. By the end of it, we all looked like we belonged in a Gatorade commercial, blue and red streaks all over us!
But the best part of today was Chapel tonight. John Alvarado, our speaker for this week, spoke to the campers about discipleship and his words hit home for a lot of our students. John challenged us to think about what we need to change in our lives in order to follow Christ, and not just believe in Him. What I love most about doing ministry with middle schoolers is how although they may be silly and awkward and just learning how to be themselves, they are still able to make the choices to follow God, which is the coolest and most humbling thing to see.
Well, I think that’s it for now. The bell’s about to ring for bed tonight, and I am totally looking forward to my four hours of sleep! Good night from Hume!
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