Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wednesday Afternoon

Wow! Wednesday afternoon already, I can’t believe it! Things are going great! All of the kids are healthy and having a great time! So are the adults of course!! See the pictures for yourself.

So last night was the belly flop competition at the pond! Its great fun!! There is a camper round and a counselor round. The count goes like this, “One-Belly-Belly, Two-Floppy-Floppy, THREE!!!” Then the belly flopper takes the plunge on this big rope swing, and does the best they can at belly flopping from probably 15 feet up in the air. There were some amazing belly flops! You could feel their pain when they landed. My team placed 1st in the camper round. Erock’s and Heather’s team took 1st and 2nd in the counselor rounds respectively. The blob contest was another one of the competitions. The blob is a big balloon basically where a camper sits on one end, and the counselor jumps down from 10 feet up on the other end and launches the kids into the pond!! It was great!!!

Last night’s Chapel was a powerful experience! It was decision night. Dathan Brown presented the gospel and at the end of chapel, the kids get the opportunity to ask Christ into their heart for the first time. We had 2 girls and 3 guys accept Christ for the first time! I can’t articulate in words what an experience it is to see these kids do this, but it’s a very touching experience. I thought it was really special too because we had some of their peers stick around to congratulate them and support them in their decision. God is amazing, and it’s so wonderful to watch how he works through people! It just goes to show you that it doesn’t matter how old you are, but God has a plan for all of us, and uses all of us no matter what age we are.

Today has been fun! My team has risen in the standings from 8th to 5th, and PD’s team moved up from 2nd to 1st. I think Pam’s team is in 7th. Another part of recreation is cabin clean up. My cabin and PD’s cabin tied for 1st on cabin clean up this morning!! Go Saint Matthew’s!!

This morning’s chapel we got to hear from Luke Everett. He runs a school for the deaf in Mexico. His main point is that God has a purpose for all of us. At the end of his talk he did a song in sign language. It was pretty cool.

And to wrap up this entry in today’s blog, I just got back from the lake. Kathy, Pam, and myself took a bunch of kids and went kayaking, canoeing, and boating on the lake for about an hour! It was a lot of fun. The views from the lake are so incredible. You’ve got the trees, the lake, the camp, and the mountains. You often find yourself staring off at the beauty and you just lose yourself in thought or just plain daydreaming.

Well, it is now dinnertime, so I am going to sign off for now. You all know me well enough to know that I don’t miss meals!! ☺ I hope you are all doing well back home! Continue praying for all of the kids and adults for health, safety, and changed lives.

In Him,
-Justin “Bayne”

1 comment:

Sherry Whitmarsh said...

Sounds like everyone is having a great time. The speakers sound wonderful. The most exciting news was those accepting Christ. We are praying that everyone is kept safe and healthy and that everyone grows in his/her relationship with Christ. Take care and God Bless.
Sherry Whitmarsh